Input Format: The first line of the input contains a number N representing the number of elements in array A. The second line of the input contains N numbers separated by a space. (after the last elements, there is no space) Output Format: Print the resultant array elements separated by a space. (no space after the last element) Example: Input: 4 2 5 3 1 Output: 3883 Explanation: Here array A is [1,2,3,4] and reverse of this array is [4,3,2,1] and hence the resultant array is [5,5,5,5] SOURCE CODE: import math size=int(input()) list1=[] for x in input().split(): num=int(x) list1=list1+[num] for i in range(math.ceil(size/2)): list1[i]=list1[size-1-i]=list1[i]+list1[size-1-i] for i in range(size-1): print(list1[i],end=" ") print(list1[size-1],end="")
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