You don't have any online skills, don't have money, don't have website also don't have any products nothing. But you want to start online business today.
Can you still make money online? The short answer is YES. In this article I will tell you how to make money online without money, website or products.
You don't need any website, you don't need any budget, you don't need any online skills, you just need to follow me and read the article. I will tell you exactly strategy how to make money online, even from the first month. So stay tuned, make patience and follow me.
Hi this is Santanu from Tech Pathsala. You are reading Tech Pathsala blog. So without wasting more time let's get started.
Simply whenever you want to make money online or even offline the main strategy is selling a products. So that's simple, we have a product and we have an audience that love to buy this product. So you can sell them this product, that's simple.
Now main problem is we don't have any product and we don't have any audience because I don't have any website, any YouTube channel, we didn't work online before but we want to start today.
So main scenario is we need a product to sell and audience. Now i will tell you how you can get a product, how to get a selling page and how you can get an audience and get traffic to that product. If you follow my strategy then you can do it from first month.
Most of the peoples maybe read this article but they will not apply what they learn. They are maybe afraid to apply or maybe they just lazy. So if you not try then nothing will be happened.
So as i mentioned two problem First one is we need a product and Second one is we need an audience. So from where we can get product and audience and make money online.
1. First solution is Affiliate Marketing. So what is affiliate marketing and how to apply you can see here.
2. Now second solution is Forum and QNA site. There are main two QNA site:
i) Quora and ii) Reddit
Reddit marketing is almost same as Quora Marketing. You can check Reddit.Com . Here i will discuss about Quora marketing.
- What is Quora? is the top QNA site. Where you can ask any questions and get answers. Basically Quora is an information based website. Everyday million viewers visit here.
Quora is an unique marketing website where you can generate your audience. You just need a Quora account and search topic regarding your business and select questions from Quora and do answers after researched but remember do not spam here. Thus you can generate traffic and build your business also your brand.
- Main strategy of Quora marketing.
We need Quora marketing strategy because without any strategy we can't growing our business or brand. Main strategies are:
ii) Search visibility: Always work on trending topics.
iii) Thought leadership potential: You should try become a good leader or instructor.
iv) More high-quality traffic: You should try to answers informatic and valuable.
- How to use Quora Marketing ?
You just need a Quora account, then you can search topic what you like and try to make answer that questions and you also ask question here if you have any doubt about any topics. There are many topics , which you have interest just choose that topics and follow good instructor.
- Advantages of Quora Marketing:
- With Quora, you can highlight your position as an industry thought instructor.
- You can Make traffic in your website and build valuable relationships with customers.
- Using Quora you can fulfill your dreams.
- Present yourself as a helpful instructor or leader, knowledgeable resource and one thing is most important that, don't spamming here.
Thank you for reading this blog. Hope this blog may be help you to build your carrier. If you have any questions after reading this blog then go comment section and comment me. I will try to help you as much as possible.